
It all started with food, but it evolved into something bigger than that – we are now a community of alike minds, in search of a meaningful life. All of us here believe that mindless consumption is not the way.

But rather an intentional lifestyle of shared resources, repairing what’s broken, minimize waste and doing less harm every day. It’s a return to innocence that feels natural and complete.

Left Parallax Background Element
Right Parallax Background Element


Nood is not just a concept, Nood is a
manifesto for living.
We dare you: to challenge yourself,
to dream, to become.

Nature is a great teacher and perpetual source of balanced esthetics; so we are learning and weaving our vision into every detail of this space.


Mon-Fri: 08:30-19:00 Sat- Sun: 09:00-19:00


Mon-Fri: 08:30-19:00 Sat- Sun: 09:00-19:00

And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good (John Steinbeck).


Nood story takes on a new dimension and becomes the space we’ve been dreaming of since the beginning of our journey: a place of simplicity, no plastic and plant based food. Come as you are, we are stripped of artificials, and so is our food!


With that in mind, we dare you: to challenge yourself, to dream, to become.


Nood story takes on a new dimension and becomes the space we’ve been dreaming of since the beginning of our journey: a place of simplicity, no plastic and plant based food. Come as you are, we are stripped of artificials, and so is our food!

With that in mind, we dare you: to challenge yourself, to dream, to become.

Bulevardul Aviatorilor 8A



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